World Class
Satisfying our
global customers.
Pantex is known for its gold standard steroid antibody production and has been providing hospitals, laboratories, and diagnostic manufacturers worldwide with quality endocrine immunodiagnostic tools for 50+ years.
Our product reliability and consistency are maintained through active research and development and rigorous attention at each step of production. The high standards, integrity, and scientific expertise of our team move Pantex forward through the 21st century.

More than 20
peer reviewed articles.
Over a period of 5 years (1972-1977), Doctors Garza and Abraham published 8 papers on steroid hormone methodology in International peer-reviewed journals and a book chapter entitled, "Radioimmunoassay of Steroids,"in Handbook of Radioimmunoassay, Volume 5, G.E. Abraham, ed., Marcel
Dekker, Inc., New York, 1977.