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Advantage Steroid Salivary Tri-Level Controls

Steroid Salivary Tri-Level Controls for use as quality control in salivary immunoassays.

Pantex Assay Data Antibodies & Conjugates

Assigned target values reflect actual gravimetric concentrations. Controls are distributed as un-assayed controls and are for Research Use Only​.

  • Provided as easy-to-dilute concentrate

  • Use your own assay buffer for dilution

  • Insignificant matrix effect after dilution

  • The target values assigned are actual gravimetric concentrations that reflect physiological salivary hormone level

Antibody Supplier Control Levels

*Determine the amount of ready-to-use controls needed and dilute accordingly. For example, to prepare 50 ml, measure 0.5 ml of concentrate and add to 49.5 ml of your assay buffer. Store the unused concentrate at -15°C .


Note: 1 ml of concentrate when diluted 1:100 will yield 1000 EIA wells if using a 100µl sample size, 2000 EIA wells if using a 50µl sample size and 4000 EIA wells if using a 25µl sample size.

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